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The goal of Family Peer Support is to meet families where they are and provide the support necessary to increase family involvement, voice, and engagement within youth systems and to equip parents with the skills necessary to address the challenges of raising a youth with mental or behavioral health needs, thus improving outcomes for youth.


Family Peer Support services are provided by parents or primary caregivers with first-hand experience navigating public child-serving agencies and raising a child with mental or behavioral health challenges. Support provided to a family by a Family Peer Supporter will focus on increasing the parent or caregiver’s confidence as they find their voice when partnering with service providers and will empower the parent to develop sustainable natural support networks. Family Peer Supporters will use a family-centered approach, meet your family where you are, and can work individually with a caregiver and as a member of the child’s care team. 

Are you interested in becoming a family peer supporter?
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